Friday, June 1, 2012


The thing that frustrates me, is that it's hard to be todays society. Everyone has the need to follow...they're scared of what people might think or say..I stopped that a while ago. Well, I tried to. I was a insecure and quiet girl growing up, not really liking her body image..In the beginning, I did not know how to dress, I was scared to really dress the way I wanted to..because people don't give you a chance. First impressions are everything. So I just bought stuff, that everyone was wearing. I quit that.. i'm a strong woman today..and I've got people, telling me, that they like the way I dress. I think that's awesome. Getting some credit for being who you really are inside. I know there are a lot of hateerz as well..but those people are just jealous, because i'm not afraid of letting myself go, and living the life I want. So what ..I dress crazy??

Sometimes, when I look at other girls, I get insecure..because they're style is so pretty.. and they look amazing..and then I focus on, making myself more like them..when it should not even bother me. Because, I am ME, I'm the only one, who can make sure, i'm unique.. that everyone knows me for who I am.. and for what I stand for. So when I look at these girls, they have a different style than mine.. but that's just it, everyone has their own different way of expressing themselves. Some forget that, or are too scared too.. so they just follow everyone..they follow what they're friends are buying.. but it's often the people that don't care about all that..that truely make a difference.  I would love to be able, to buy loads of clothes..and do nothing else besides choosing new outfits all day..But sometimes, I get tired of that pressure, to look perfect all the time. Like celebs don't have a bad hairday, or a bad wardrobe day? when all of your clothes seem to dissapear.. Whats up with that? Sometimes I just love to dress like a slob..that's terrible..but I hate that pressure.. you've gotta look good, you never know who you might run in to.. to hell with that... I mean.. so what? Like the president of the united states doesnt run around in sweats sometimes? Or Miss Jennifer lopez doesn't have a moment, when she's not wearing any make up, and her hair doesn't look like a million dollars. So why is it so hard, to let that all go? And not care, about the image everyone has of you..

You have girls, that are so perfect, all the time, hair, make up, nails, toe nails, outfit, HOW do you do it? I get tired of it.. like really tired.. Sometimes I don't shave my legs for a whole week! I look like a freaking forest creature!!!! you know what? I DON'T CARE! Do you know how ennoying it is, to have to shave my legs every two days? YES it grows that fast! Me and my boyfriend often crack up, laying in bed, when he rubs my legs, and there's like more hair on them, then on his... Fuck that, i'm a girl, I have boobs, does that mean, I have to act like one, all the time? With the perfect hair, the perfect make up, the perfect outfit, NO! I'm done with faking it.. sometimes, i look reallly UGLY. I mean you should see my morning face, LOL! But don't we all have that though??? Come on.. unless you're nicole sherzinger! And even her, I bet she has stuff , that she feels insecure about. But what i'm tryin to say is... I AM ME, i'm done trying to fake it... sometimes I will have a pretty moment, where I put effort in my presence.. but you will also see me, with my laid back clothes on, rocking the streets.. no one, can look good, every second of every day! So let's embrace that fact, and stop freaking out. Note to self : feel less insecure, you're awesome!